Monday, October 13, 2008

What I believe…. cont.

5. There are some parts of life that you have to experience it first hand to understand… there are parts of life that you just can’t buy but to go through with patience and humility…

6. Sekali gagal tidak bermakna akan gagal selama-lamanya… I still remember what my boss had once said, ‘Every problem is an opportunity’. And I now believe it to my heart… Every problem has been an opportunity for me and I grow with it seizing better chance as it comes.

7. Status in this life is not much worth compares to the life in the eternity. I don’t give it a hoot about a person’s status. Be it he is a Tengku, owner of luxury cars, minister’s son, and etc. If there are such people in my way who really keen about their social status, then I would rather not be their friends. I have tried as much as I can to be humble and not to be seen as hidung tinggi… The only problem is I am at times still the old me… still a little recluse… To my kids… I have always reminded them to befriend others regardless of their status. And never ever treat those who are less fortunate badly. Bring yourself down to the earth and always lend them a helping hand. And never ever buy friends…

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