Monday, October 13, 2008

What I believe…. cont.

5. There are some parts of life that you have to experience it first hand to understand… there are parts of life that you just can’t buy but to go through with patience and humility…

6. Sekali gagal tidak bermakna akan gagal selama-lamanya… I still remember what my boss had once said, ‘Every problem is an opportunity’. And I now believe it to my heart… Every problem has been an opportunity for me and I grow with it seizing better chance as it comes.

7. Status in this life is not much worth compares to the life in the eternity. I don’t give it a hoot about a person’s status. Be it he is a Tengku, owner of luxury cars, minister’s son, and etc. If there are such people in my way who really keen about their social status, then I would rather not be their friends. I have tried as much as I can to be humble and not to be seen as hidung tinggi… The only problem is I am at times still the old me… still a little recluse… To my kids… I have always reminded them to befriend others regardless of their status. And never ever treat those who are less fortunate badly. Bring yourself down to the earth and always lend them a helping hand. And never ever buy friends…

Friday, October 10, 2008

What I believe….

1. We are the product of what we believe

2. Lagu Gersang (Hit song 1988) kata… janganlah ku disalahkan terjadinya ….. itu suratan takdir…. Heh he… this is one of my several favorite songs… And I still remember some nostalgic moments listening to this song driving in the blizzard going through Chicago to Toledo, Ohio a long time ago. I was still single at that time, off course. Now I think I have lost the skill driving in the snow and blizzard…. Not sure if I can still do it if I perhaps arrive there again. I went there to see my beloved brother Jaquin Ismail and family. He is surely in his 50’s now… Not my blood brother… but I love him so much; unfortunately something happened in the course of our relationship in the early 90’s that forced me to forget him temporarily. He offered to make up but I was afraid to accept because of something that forced me to ignore him. However, after they left the States to go back to Sabah. I have been looking for them ever since but I don’t know how to contact them anymore. If there is anybody that perhaps knows them would you please let me know? His wife’s name is Nooraini Nooriman, if I’m not mistaken she said her father was an immigration or custom officer in Kota Kinabalu. And this Jaquin is a custom officer somewhere in KK. He said that he is a relative to Datuk Pairin Kitingan. He also said that he is a relative to this one George Mijin …… And I remember his son, Yon or Yuyun, as we called him… Me says…. Janganlah takdir disalahkan terjadinya… itu semua salah engkau… he… he.. he… aku percaya dengan qada’ dan qadar tetapi aku percaya semua takdir masih boleh diubah… yg tidak boleh diubah hanyalah qada’ akhbar/mubram.. iaitu mati… kematian itu adalah sesuatu yg pasti… semua yg hidup akan mati… tetapi aku percaya waktu/timing mati itu masih boleh diubah dengan izin Allah Ta’ala… Riwayat At-Termizi, Nabi s.a.w bersabda, ‘Tiada yang boleh menolak takdir selain doa dan tiada yang boleh memanjangkan umur kecuali perbuatan yang baik.’ With that said… you are free to choose what you want to become… nak jadi kaldai ke.. nak jadi lembu ke… or nak jadi manusia… manusia yg berjaya atau pun manusia yang gagal. Kita wajib berUsaha and selepas itu bertawakkal dan memohon kehadrat Illahi untuk menqabulkan hajat kita…. Dan seandainya apa yg dihajati tidak ditunaikan Allah maka akan ada hikmah disebaliknya… Dan yg ini aku memang percaya sangat2 kerana pengalaman2 aku….

3. Where there is a will there is a way…

4. If you truly believe it is yours just let it go…. If it is meant to be, it will come back to you… If not just let it go… Errr… I did this in my relationship with the One and ONLY… almost ‘got a heart attack’ because of it… Because of some life experience I came up with this conclusion…. Tiada guna memaksa orang menyayangi kita sekiranya it is not from the heart…. So I tested…

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Huh!!! Wassup Dude?

Not sure what to write…

I’m not so much of a writer ….. so just pardon myself if my writing ‘hops’ like a jack wabbit with disconcerted thoughts… & most probably it’s going to be a rojak MingLISH after all….

Oh well… it’s just a beginning….

Anyway, yesterday I went to another open house in the eastern region… about 45 minutes drive from the guarded compound we live in… Oh my… come to think about it… I don’t think I’ll have the gut to let my wife know that I’m doing this… Sure I kena pancung ler… Well… What is my life if it is without her anyway…. One day she’ll know this blogspot…

What do I hope to gain from this blogging? I don’t know…. That is a question that I have to fill in someday…

Currently, I’m listening to some oldies from the 80’s early 90’s…. Gersang – Suratan Takdir, Medicine - Tika & Saat ini, Zamani – Jika kau rasa getarnya, and etc. … Chewah… some oldies…

I used to be staying in the mid-western region of USA before decided to come back home to Malaysia… knowingly that one day I might go out again… out of Malaysia… Whatever that has happened in my life, I extend all the syukur ke hadrat Illahi. And I’m thankful to my sweetie who has always been with me all these while going through thorny forests and wading the rapids of our life… She was there with me rain or shine…

I am a PROUD father of two pairs… and the PROUD husband of only ONE and the ONLY one…